The Benefits of Keeping Your Cat Indoors 

a long-haired tabby cat lays on a bed with a white blanket

There are undeniable benefits to keeping house cats indoors. From safety to bonding, explore the perks for your feline friend and wildlife alike, and get practical tips for indoor enrichment and supervised outdoor experiences to boost your cat’s well-being.

Celebrate the Black Cats

a black cat sits in a catio

It’s time to bust some common myths surrounding black cats and share why they deserve to be celebrated instead of overlooked or even feared. And, find out why shelters having black cat adoptions in October is actually a good thing.

How to Cope with the Loss of Your Cat

a cat paw touches a person's hand

Losing your cat is incredibly hard, and it can be difficult to cope with that pain. Learn ways to process and express your grief in a healthy way.

Optimizing Giving Strategy: Donor-Advised Funds

a cat is pictured on a red background with text that says "Make a gift through donor-advised funds"

One often overlooked way of giving to your favorite charity is through donor-advised funds. But what exactly is a DAF? Learn the ins and outs of this investment account that comes into play during tax time.