June 25, 2024

Where Are They Now: Gopher

two photos of a black and white cat

Amanda Huggett

Back in November 2022, 10-year-old Gopher came in as a transfer from another area shelter with degenerative joint disease, feline herpes virus, chronic conjunctivitis and upper respiratory disease. She was immediately treated for ear mites and badly needed dental work.

Gopher was sweet and loved pets but did not like other cats. She went into a foster home for a calmer environment and regular medication schedule. After some health ups and downs, she unfortunately was returned after her first adoption.

While Gopher struggled to find her perfect home, she quickly was growing on the CCS team. Our lead veterinarian, Dr. Cecily Palamara, called her “one of her favorites.” “She is a spunky but beautiful old lady that has a lot of love in her! I had the pleasure of working with her for many months. She had a life-threatening kidney insult while in care, but responded very well to intensive IV treatment. She haaaated to see us in the clinic, but we all love her so much!”

Finally, one full year after coming through our doors, Gopher — who now goes by Elise — found her forever home.

a four-photo collage of a black and white cat

Her adopter Ed was happy to share this update: “Elise is doing well. Her favorite spot is probably my lap! Or in front of the fireplace. True to form, she likes a food for a while then opts out and I have to change. She loves treats and, surprisingly, likes the kidney support kibble my vet gave me to try as treats. I continue to give her Hydra Care as she likes it. I have a wand with a bee she likes to play with.

“She slept with me one night but seems to prefer the living room. I have a fuzzy cat bed she latched onto and sleeps in when I’m gone or it is cool overnight.

“I’m so glad I found her. She hasn’t had a great life and really needed and deserved someone to be her champion and give her a good, safe home where she’s loved and taken care of. She’s got that now. I think she struck gold!”

Have you adopted from CCS in the past? We’d love to hear how it’s going! Send us your adoption success stories (and photos!) to be featured in our #adoptionupdate series on social media or on our website.

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