Tails of the Painted Cats
About Tails of the Painted Cats

Tails of the Painted Cats (TOPC) is one of Cat Care Society’s largest fundraisers of the year. This upscale biennial event features a gala dinner and auction for attendees to sip cocktails, browse and bid on cat-themed art, listen to soothing piano music, participate in fun games, treat themselves to a seated dinner and dessert, and mingle with other cat lovers and volunteers, all while supporting Colorado’s artist community and raising money for Cat Care Society to continue its mission.
For each event, numerous artists donate their time and talents to creating beautiful, hand-crafted sculptures and paintings. The “painted cats” are the stars of the show, but don’t worry, we don’t paint live cats! The event’s painted cats are large fiberglass cat-shaped creations, and you can also find “flat cat” paintings and jewelry available for sale, too.
Community members can cast their vote at the gallery showings, as well as at the gala, for their favorite painted cat. One select artist and creation will be named People’s Choice!
2025 Gala Information
September 20, 2025
Stay tuned for more updates!
Countdown to the 2025 Gala
2023 Gala Highlights
In addition to the dinner and live auction in 2023, we featured silent auction tables with feline-themed pottery, jewelry, wine and our famous hand-painted “Flat Cat” canvases. Aside from the cat art, there were also seven dogs and one wolf!
Participating artists in 2023 were Melissa Barbee, Chelsea Cattos, Erin Cheney, Sarah Derosier, Jane McFadden Dorsey, Kimberley Gray, Sally Grum, Kathee Jones, Joan Kaufman, Haley Knowles, Frances Listou, Wendy M. Luck, Jenai Audrine Marsolek, Carmen Mayta, Jackie McFarland, Jill McFarland, Jamie McWhirt, Sherri Moore, Lauri Muhonen, Juliette Orr, Samantha Pascavis, Amanda S.L. Salazar, Valerie Savarie, Chris Schranck, Laura Scott, Jake Snow, Amy Spangler, Marla Stauth, and Kenton Wizard.
2023 Artist Awards
- People’s Choice: Adventure Friend – Amy Spangler
- Board of Directors Award: Glamour Cat – Chelsea Cattos
- CCS Staff Choice: Sicily – Juliette Orr
Check out our Facebook photo album for highlights from the 2023 event.
2023 Gallery Schedule
Thank you to the Lakewood Arts Council and the Lakewood Cultural Center for exhibiting the painted cats and flat cats to the public prior to the gala! Stay tuned for the schedule for 2025.
Previous Painted Cats Galleries
For more information on Tails of the Painted Cats, email jdorsey@catcaresociety.org or call 303-907-6773.
Open Hours
Tues–Weds: Closed
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