June 13, 2023

Happily Homed: Bubba Nubbin (Pikachu)

A black cat sits next to a laptop

Amanda Huggett

We have an adoption update sent in from Diane! Diane adopted Pikachu, now known as Bubba Nubbin in April 2023.

Diane came to the shelter looking for a short-haired black male with green eyes, and she found just what she wanted! Bubba Nubbin is now the ruler of the house, she says. He runs everywhere but is still somewhat shy around other people.

“Bubba is doing great. He is a classic Manx — he runs and hops everywhere. Plastic springs are his favorite toy to play alone. I have had to buy several packages because (of course) they are lost easily. He gets jealous of my working and will stick his head by my computer so I will do the laser pointer for him. He has stolen my heart. Bubba’s extreme skittishness is resolving but it will take a while. He is happy in the house and I’m happy we found each other.”

Have you adopted from CCS in the past? We’d love to hear how it’s going! Send us your adoption success stories (and photos!) to be featured in our #adoptionupdate series on social media or on our website.

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