December 18, 2023

Happily Homed: Arwen (Liliana)

collage of a gray tabby cat

Amanda Huggett

We have an #adoptionupdate from Braden who adopted Lilliana (renamed Arwen, after the elf from Lord of the Rings) this past April.

Braden said: “I originally came to the shelter just looking for a nice, calm cat. Once I saw Arwen and how terrified she was of everything, added to the fact that she immediately hissed at me upon seeing me, I knew that I wanted to help her have a good life.

“It has been a very long journey over the past eight months trying to help Arwen feel comfortable in her environment. It took a very long time for her to be comfortable coming out from her hiding place, walking around while I was awake, willingly entering the same room as me, and so on. Though we have made some incredible process that I honestly was unsure was ever going to happen.

“Arwen is still generally uncomfortable around me when I am moving around, but once I am still, she gives me all of the love she is capable of giving. She doesn’t play with me because toys moving on their own scare her, but she loves her scratching pole and some feathers that I leave on the floor.”

Braden has maintained a detailed journal of Arwen’s milestones, including the first time she left the bathroom, rolled around, sat near him, got the zoomies, the first time she purred and meowed, and the moment, almost five months after her adoption, when Braden could finally pet Arwen. With patience and compassion, Braden has provided Arwen with a nurturing home where she can thrive, and we’re incredibly grateful.

Have you adopted from CCS in the past? We’d love to hear how it’s going! Send us your adoption success stories (and photos!) to be featured in our #adoptionupdate series on social media or on our website.

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