October 10, 2023

A Summer 2023 Seasonal Recap: Stats & Successes

EC Michaels

What a summer it was for us here at the shelter. From a very active kitten season to several unexpected surprises and multiple significant and successful events, there were definitely no dull days.

Summer is often the busiest time of year for shelters across the country. Kitten season, aka feline breeding season, typically occurs between late March and October. We see many kittens and momma cats in need during these months, and our incredible fosters take care of the little ones until they are 2 pounds, at which point they can be spayed or neutered and ready for adoption. From April 1 to September 24, 2023, CCS took in 342 kittens. Of those, 258 were adopted and many are still growing in their foster homes!

In August, we hosted a waived-adoption-fee event in honor of Clear the Shelters month, and were overwhelmed at the positive response from our community! That day we adopted out the most cats ever in a single day for our shelter: 31 cats went into loving homes. We also received incredible support from our partner organizations and individuals that ensured the day went off without a hitch. We can’t thank you enough.

We know that there were some concerns over the decision to offer “free” adoptions, and we appreciate the concern for our cats’ well-being. The decision to offer this was made after much discussion and consideration. Please know that we always do our due diligence. All adopters must fill out an application and be approved before bringing any cat home. We want to make sure all our cats end up in loving and committed homes, and we’ll never compromise these values. There have even been multiple studies done by respected animal welfare groups that have found that waived adoption fees do not affect animals’ outcomes in any negative way.

Throughout the month of August in total, we had a total of 132cats come into our care, and we successfully adopted out 141cats. In September, we helped 120 cats — 79 kittens and 41 adults, 13 of which were seniors — find new homes. As we reflect on the prior fiscal year, we also know that we cared for about 400 more cats than the year before. We are so excited to be expanding our ability to help more cats than ever, thanks to your support.

Speaking of stats, I also want to call out a national database called Shelter Animals Count. This platform brings together 6,936 animal welfare organizations to share credible and accessible data to positively impact our animals and communities. Participating in this allows CCS to offer data transparency and greater understanding of cat’s needs across the mountain region. With this knowledge, we can deepen our impact. I encourage you to browse their data to evaluate trends and know that we are supporting these positive outcomes.

I also want everyone to know that my door and phone lines are always open. If anyone has questions or would like any clarification on our statistics, policies or our animals, I would be more than happy to discuss it with you; just reach out!

Over and over again, I am beyond impressed with the dedication our employees, volunteers and donors demonstrate. Every single time we ask for something, someone delivers. I am humbled and so grateful for every one of you who shows up when we need it most. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.

EC Michaels
Executive Director
Cat Care Society

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